Terms of Use


Cairngorm School of Dance Terms & Conditions


Fees are paid monthly by Direct Debit. Termly Direct Debit payments are also accepted, by arrangement, if preferred. Additional fees such as exam fees, performance fees and other items will be invoiced, and payment taken by Direct Debit. A late payment fee will be applied to overdue accounts.
For pupils starting after the start of a term, the remainder of the term will be invoiced in advance and paid in full.
Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable from term to term or person to person.
The school does not allow drop in classes.
No refunds are given for occasional absences, holidays or when classes are cancelled due to circumstances outside the school’s control.
Fees are subject to an annual review.
For individuals registering for 3 classes or more per term, there will be a 10% discount per additional class.


All pupils in the school must register either online or by completing a registration form in agreement with Cairngorm School of Dance Terms and Conditions.
When your child registers for a class, she/he is part of the school and it is assumed that your child will attend regularly, continuing from one term to the next, progressing throughout the levels. If you wish to withdraw your child from the school, please inform the school in writing giving 1 month notice.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the school has your correct contact details. Please inform the school by email if any of your details have changed.

Personal Information

The full Privacy Policy of Cairngorm School of Dance is available on registration and by request. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide correct emergency contact details and to update or amend when necessary. Personal data will be collected and processed fairly and lawfully for specified and legitimate purposes only.

Individuals data will not be processed without their knowledge and only with their consent.
In order to contact families; the school requires to have a contact email address, an emergency phone number and the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) names of each dancer. This is listed on the class registers along with the dancer’s name and date of birth. The class teacher will have a copy.
Your child’s attendance to the school is your agreement to be contacted via email for class updates, notices and fees. You have the right to request to delete your data where there is no compelling reason for its continued use. Information and data will be removed in the case of giving notice and leaving the school.

Participation/Illness or Injury

All allergies, injuries, illnesses or special requirements must be made known to the teacher before participation in a class.

If any dancer has suffered from vomiting or diarrhoea, they must not attend classes for a period of 48 hours from the time of their last episode.

If a dancer has sustained an injury, or develops an illness, which prevents them from attending classes for a prolonged period, please make it known in writing to the Principal teacher ASAP. The teacher will review this on an individual basis at their discretion.

For younger dancers, the school will only accept pupils who are toilet trained.

All dancers must wear appropriate dance clothing and footwear, no jewellery, with hair neatly tied back.

The school reserves the right to refuse participation, especially if the teacher deems there to be a health and safety risk.

Behavioural Policy

Cairngorm School of Dance prides itself on being a happy school with enjoyment being at the centre of all our classes. This behavioural policy exists to maintain this environment and enable pupils to reach their full potential.
Any disruptive behaviour, both in class and in the waiting areas, will not be tolerated – teachers have the right to ask pupils to leave the class if they feel that their behaviour is either inappropriate or spoiling the enjoyment for other pupils. If disruptive or inappropriate behaviour continues, the pupil may be asked to leave Cairngorm School of Dance.

Any dancer or parent whose behaviour is threatening towards a teacher, dancer or other parent will be asked to leave the activity and possibly the school. This is at the teacher’s discretion.


Please ensure the correct uniform is worn to class, as per the Uniform Policy. If unsure, please check with your teacher.

Personal Belongings

Please ensure that you look after your belongings while attending class. Cairngorm School of Dance cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of personal belongings. Please ensure that all uniform items are labelled with the pupil’s name.

Child Protection

In the interest of child protection we have a strict no photography or videography policy for parents, spectators and visitors at classes and events.
Please only photograph your own child. Do not photograph a child other than your own
Do not record any part of the class or event.

First Aid trained teachers will adhere to basic first aid training in class if needed.
In the unlikely event of an emergency, teachers may need to give the immediate necessary authority on behalf of a parent or guardian for any medical or surgical treatment recommended by competent medical authorities, where it would be contrary to the dancer’s interest, in the doctor’s medical opinion, for any delay to be incurred by seeking parental consent.

In order to facilitate learning and development as a dancer, it is sometimes helpful to have a ‘hands on’ approach. This aids safe dance practice to help alignment, posture, placement and to enhance the quality of learning. If you are not happy for teachers to continue in this professional manner, please let us know immediately.

The school may wish to take photographs or film in classes or performances. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you permit the school and its licensees or assignees to use photographs or film referred to above either complete or in part, alone or in conjunction with wording and/or drawings, for publicity materials. If you are not happy for the school to do this, please let us know immediately.


Cairngorm School of Dance does not send out progress reports. Parents are invited to come to the second last lesson of every term to watch the class and this gives a good indication of progress, as does the opportunity to participate in examinations when pupils are ready.

Cairngorm School of Dance Studios - Aviemore

All classes as of August 2019 will take place in our new purpose-built studios which have had top of the range facilities installed to help aid learning. We would like to keep our studios looking fantastic and would appreciate if the pupils could adhere to the following rules, especially when it comes to footwear on the studio floors.

  1. No outdoor shoes to be worn in studio

  2. During periods inclement weather outdoor shoes must be taken off on entry to the building

  3. No food and drink to be consumed in studios (water is acceptable)

  4. The only way to enter the studio is via main studio door. External doors in each individual studio is for

    fire escape purposes only.

  5. All correct uniform is to be worn for classes

  1. No jewellery to be worn

  2. All hair to be tied back (girls)

  3. No chewing gum in the building, especially the studios

  4. Please make sure you tidy any mess made or let a teacher know

  5. Belongings to be stored in suitable place avoiding all doors and fire escape. There are new changing

    rooms available

  6. Please make sure all younger children have been to the bathroom before class

Pick up – Primary school aged children only

Any pupil P7 and under is unable to leave the studio without an adult unless you notify us that you are happy for your child to leave to walk home or go to car in car park. Any pupil who has left to go to car park ONLY needs to be advised to return to dance studio if no one is there, unfortunately we cannot monitor this. Please inform us if circumstances change during the year.

Fees for 2019/2020

Fees are £5.50 per 60 minute class, £5.00 per 45 minute class and £4.50 per 30 minute class (with exception to the Body Conditioning and Stretch and Advanced Technique classes). Fees are payable by monthly Direct Debit. For individuals registering for 3 classes or more per term, there will be a 10% discount per additional class.


The School provides exams in ballet, tap, modern and jazz and follows the ISTD syllabi. The exam process gives students a goal to work towards and allows them to achieve it. Therefore, encouraging discipline, self- esteem and passion. It also provides development of corrections, strong technique and encourages artistry and quality of movements. All examination certificates are presented during our annual Christmas ceilidh.

We encourage pupils taking these specific classes to take exams. However, each pupil’s exam process is individual, therefore we offer different options. The pupils may wish to take no exam, in-house exams or an ISTD examination.

No exam: If a pupil chose not to take an exam, an assessment would be made by the teacher to see when the standard has been achieved, to move on to the next grade.

In house exam: Pupils work to the ISTD standard and the Dance School employs an external examiner for these exams. This gives us the ability to give advance notice of the exam and we know the examiner, therefore can offer more support to the pupils. This makes in house examinations accessible to all pupils in all stages of the dance school. In house examinations are good preparation for more formal exams and all pupils in all syllabus classes are eligible for these. Advance notice is given for the exam date, times and venue.

ISTD exam: The ISTD is one of the world’s leading dance examination boards. These examination results are recognised worldwide and UCAS points can be awarded for certain examinations. An ISTD examination requires extra work, focus and practice at home. An additional ballet class needs to be taken from Grade 3 onwards. ISTD entries will be decided by the teacher and pupil for each discipline of Grade 2 and above. As the organisation of examinations is done by the ISTD headquarters, there is often short notice of exam days, times and venues.


The school provides an experience to perform to an audience with costumes towards the end of each academic year. We alternate between a local showcase and a full theatre production at Eden Court Theatre, Inverness.

Dance is a preforming art and its important that we offer this opportunity to pupils each year. It is not compulsory to perform in the show, however, it is often a highlight for the pupils and gives reasoning for all their hard work and dedication throughout the year.

Eden Court: Eden Court provides the full theatre experience within the dressing room, backstage and of course on stage. Eden Court is a fully equipped theatre and is staffed professionally. This show is a full production with a theme carried throughout, multiple costume changes and a seamless flow of dance numbers.

Local showcase: This gives the pupils a chance to showcase the work that they have been doing throughout the year. It will reflect closer to their class work, for example, exam dances and technical amalgamations. Pupils can watch all the other pupils throughout the dance school, and it aids knowledge of each genre and links the steps that they are currently working on to their future dance goals.

Community Performances

The school is often asked to dance at various community events and performances. Where possible we like to support these as it gives the pupils a chance to perform, support our local community and a sense of pride and responsibility when representing the dance school. Some examples are Grantown motor mania,
Aviemore gala day, Big Dance at Eden Court and Newtonmore pantomime. Heather selects pupils for these performances, as numbers are normally limited and a specific dance or discipline will be chosen, appropriate for the event.

Theatre Trip

Each year the school organises a theatre trip to Eden Court. The genre of dance changes each time giving the pupils the opportunity to experience several types of theatre. It is important to understand their own likes and dislikes and see the elite performers on stage.


The school likes everyone to look the same and appearance is an important discipline within dance. Appropriate uniform allows the teacher to give corrections for posture and alignment. Correct footwear is essential for safety reasons. We expect all pupils to be wearing the correct uniform by the start of Term 2.

Cairngorm School of Dance Uniform Policy - 2018/19

Uniforms are available from Schoolwear Made Easy on Harbour Road in Inverness.

School Hoodies, Jackets and t-shirts are from Zippy embroideries on line – zippyembroidery.co.uk.

No jewellery to be worn in any class and long hair must be tied back. No items of clothing other than

CSOD branded clothing can be worn in addition to uniform detailed below.

Pre-Primary Ballet

Sky blue leotard and sky blue circular skirt, pink socks, pink leather ballet shoes. White wrap-around cardigan


Primary Ballet

Sky blue leotard and sky blue circular skirt, pink socks, pink leather ballet shoes. White wrap-around cardigan


Class Assessment 1 Ballet

Sky blue leotard and sky blue circular skirt, pink socks, pink leather ballet shoes. White wrap-around cardigan


Grade 1 Ballet

Sky blue leotard and Sky blue circular skirt, pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes. White wrap-around cardigan


Pre-School Dance

No uniform, comfy clothing to move in. No outdoor shoes or socks, bare feet are fine.

Grade 2 Ballet

Plum leotard and plum circular skirt, pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes.

Grade 3 Ballet

Plum leotard and plum circular skirt, pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes.

Grade 4 Ballet

Navy leotard and navy wrap around skirt, pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes.


Black leggings, ballet leotard or black leotard, bare feet.

Modern & Tap

Ballet leotard, black leggings and bare feet (ballet shoes can be worn in class). Black canvas tap shoes and

white socks.

Hip Hop

Comfy clothing for moving in, canvas trainers (black, white or red only)

Dance Jam

Comfy clothing for moving in, canvas trainers (black, white or red only)

Boys Dance

Comfy clothing for moving in, canvas trainers (black, white or red only)


Black leggings, ballet leotard and bare feet (ballet shoes can be worn in class).


Black leggings, ballet leotard, white socks, black canvas tap shoes.

Silver Jazz

Black leotard and black leggings.


Cairngorm School of Dance T-shirt or base layer and black shorts. Black ballet shoes and black canvas tap

shoes with white socks.

Commercial Jazz

Tanned heels to be worn for any female performances by a senior. These should be purchased directly 


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